TravelDrivers Pricing
Because our drivers are very much in demand and busy, we do not want to contact them needlessly. We ask that you submit your initial request when you are sure that you will be needing a driver and sure of your itinerary. If you are still in the planning stages and not quite sure yet, it may be better to contact us to ask any questions that you may have in order to help make your decisions easier. We are happy to help!
TravelDrivers Service Charge: 20% (Non-Refundable)
We charge 20% of the costs charged by your driver, with a minimum of $100, payable prior to final confirmation of the booking. Driver costs vary depending on the city or area and country. In Bali, for example, all drivers cost $55 per day, whereas drivers in Mexico are twice that and it then doubles again in Morocco. Drivers also charge different prices within the same territory.* Availability is the deciding factor. Clients who book well in advance have the best choice of drivers and prices. As our home page states, our prices reflect how specialized this service is. Please check this pricing page carefully before submitting an inquiry. Again, please be sure to have a large enough budget to cover our pricing before you submit an inquiry.
You, our current and potential Clients, are paying us to find the best, safest, most interesting, most knowledgeable, most experienced, most attentive, most conscientious, most caring, most trustworthy, most honest, most clean, most everything-you-could-ask-for driver-guides so that you can rest assured, knowing that you’ll be driven by a special and amazing person when you choose one of ours (as opposed to trying to find one yourself and taking a chance - knowing that a sub-par driver can ruin your entire vacation investment!). Having an exceptional driver-guide makes every trip So Much Better, and we know you will feel that this is money well-spent, as all our clients do. When the booking is confirmed, we have done our work for you to he best of our ability. This fee is non-refundable.
Driver Costs:
Each TravelDriver charges a certain price per 8-hour day, with some exceptions.* Clients will pay their TravelDriver directly, at the end of each day, in cash (unless other arrangements have been made and approved by all parties including Some driver-guides require an advanced deposit. When this is the case, you will be informed in the planning stages -- before the booking is confirmed. All charges specified on this page are in addition to the costs charged by the TravelDrivers themselves. These costs will be increased if the type of travel involves longer days and/or moving from region to region, in road trip fashion. For more on this, please see “Overnight and Other Additional Charges" below.
Also, prices vary depending on the distance to be traveled in a day. Spending an 8-hour day in the city will often cost less than it would to travel a longer distance during that same amount of time. Again, here, Bali is an exception. The Indonesian Island is so small that, other than an overnight situation, pricing stays the same despite the distance. We need as many details from you, our clients, up front, please, in order to determine correct pricing. We do not want any surprises on either side of the equation.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Overnight and Other Additional Charges (TBD):
Besides the daily “Driver Costs”, there will be additional costs, to be determined, for overnight trips. Any itinerary requiring more than 8 -10 hours (depending on the territory and driver) will require an overnight stay.
Overnight charges include:
Payment for the driver’s accommodation.
Payment for the driver’s dinner.
Charges additional for gas/petrol required for longer trips (depending on the distance traveled).
Your driver will specify the amount of these extra charges once your specific request has been made.
We leave it to our drivers’ discretion to charge what is reasonable and customary within their particular market, though pricing differences are also affected by skills such as languages spoken, experience with special needs clients, years of experience and demand for their personal services (vs. those of others).
Wherever you are going, if you reserve a driver for eight days, for example, we will need to know your itinerary, and we will be asking you for details. If you do not specify that you have “road trip” plans, i.e., the intention to move from one area to another rather than staying in the same city or region, or you decide last-minute to do so, these additional costs will be added by the driver and should be expected. You will also be billed the additional 20% of those costs as an additional fee to us, TravelDrivers. You will not have the opportunity, at that late date, to question these charges. It is, therefore, your responsibility to please inquire about them beforehand, when you can decide whether or not they feel comfortable to you. There will be no refunds of TravelDrivers Fees if the costs quoted are not to your liking should you make these decisions on-site. And you run the risk of finding that your driver isn't available and you'll need to find another. For all these very good reasons, we request that you please try to make plans for the framework of your trip -- the days with the driver and which areas you wish to be in with him/her and when -- in advance rather than last-minute. Please include that information at the time of the Initial request (when you push the "find a driver" button and fill out our short form). What you do within that framework -- while in each place -- is for you to decide whenever you'd like. You are still free to choose how you use your time with your TravelDriver when staying local, but longer trips require planning, preparation, and additional investment and therefore they must be booked in advance.
One thing we can promise, however, is that all of our drivers will be quoting you very reasonable prices for these additional costs. TravelDrivers stay in special low-cost accommodations, and do not require high-priced meals, but petrol/gas costs are based on actual market prices and mileage and tend to be high abroad.
Rush Fee: $75-$200
Our drivers are so good that they are in demand and very busy. It can take time to reach them and for them to have the time to reply. The job of a driver-guide is very involved. They work long days that continue long after they leave you, when they are cleaning the cars, inside and out, refilling the tank, replenishing supplies like water and tissues, and on and on. They work HARD! And because what we do takes time, we ask that you submit your initial inquiry at least 3 weeks before you leave your country of residence (once you leave, it’s also difficult for us to reach YOU!). This timing is based on the time zone of the destination, as there is often almost a half or full day's difference.
Should your initial inquiry date allow us less time than 3 weeks, rush fees will be included in the final costs. If you allow us more than 2 weeks, that fee will be $75. If you only allow us just 2 weeks, that fee will be $125. If you allow us less than 2 weeks, that fee will be $200. We REQUIRE a minimum of 1 full week prior to your departure from your home to work on a booking. We will not work on bookings allowing less than 1 week before pick-up time (again, this timing is based on the destination’s time zone).
Rush Fees will be charged whether or not we succeed and you book, and they are not refundable under any circumstances. It takes a lot of work to even attempt to book a driver with little lead time.
Thank you for your understanding -- we appreciate it!
Cancellation Fee: $50
Any cancellations within a week or less of the booked starting date will incur a $50 cancellation fee. Should this cancellation be due to an unavoidable circumstance, we ask that you contact us at to inform us of the situation as soon as possible. Proof may be required. In the event you have paid an advanced deposit towards your time with a TravelDriver, you will have been informed of that separate cancellation policy at the time of the booking. Should any refund be due to you, we will do our best to facilitate that process. TravelDrivers 20% service charges are not refundable under any circumstances.
Tipping: YES, please!
We believe in tipping to show appreciation for a job well-done, and we encourage it. These drivers work extremely hard. Long before you are awake, they are up, washing the car, filling the tank, buying water and preparing in general for the day with their clients, usually after working long hours the day before - often returning long after dark. Some of them do not own their own cars, so the majority of money goes to their bosses (though we only work with kind agents who treat their drivers properly), or they have to pay to rent a car. A tip can mean so much to them.
The amount of tip is, of course, up to you (as is the decision of whether or not to tip). Anything is appreciated. 10% is thoughtful, 20% is very kind and above that is extremely generous. Our TravelDrivers do not ever expect a tip, but they will be thrilled and very grateful to receive one. Thank you.
A Note From TravelDrivers
Please do not hesitate to contact us at with any questions regarding these fees and costs.
We are a young company attempting to fill an important niche. What we are doing takes time and effort and patience and dedication. It has the potential to change the experience of traveling globally in a huge, positive way. It also has the capacity to change the world by opening travel up to everyone, including those for whom it had previously seemed impossible due to physical and/or emotional barriers. We are passionately committed to seeing these results through to fruition, but we need our clients’ understanding, appreciation and support to make that happen.
Here, therefore, is our simple request:We ask that you remember to refer your friends, family and associates directly to us at in the event you would like to have them experience our service. Please do not provide our TravelDrivers’ information to anyone — to do so would defeat the purpose of doing what we are doing and undermine our ability to grow and flourish and continue doing this — and then everyone loses. When you purchase our services, you make that purchase for yourself and those accompanying you on that specific trip only. Our Terms of Use address this but we feel that it bears repeating. You will find that our drivers are fiercely loyal. They will not provide their services outside of this system. Please help us by keeping this in mind and respecting our Terms. If you can’t figure out how to direct your friends to a specific driver, contact us! We are happy to help!
We thank you very much for your kind attention and cooperation and wish you continued Safe and Happy Travels!
Scenario 1: Bali - Low Price Range
Bali for 5 days with a TravelDriver, with two overnight stays (booked 3 weeks or more in advance):
Total cost for a TravelDriver: $415
Cost breakdown
$275 Driver costs paid directly ($55 per day)
$ 40 Overnight charges ($20 per day)
$100 TravelDrivers minimum service fee
Scenario 2: Portugal - Mid Price Range
3 Days in Portugal with a TravelDriver (booked less than 3 weeks in advance):
Total cost for a TravelDriver: $2,006
Cost breakdown
$1200 Driver Costs paid directly ($400 per day)
$ 405 Overnight charges ($135 per day)
$ 326 TravelDrivers Service Fee (20%)
$ 75 Rush fee
Scenario 3: France - High Price Range
1 day in France with a TravelDriver (booked 2 weeks or more in advance):
Total Cost for a TravelDriver: $1,200
Cost breakdown:​
$1000 Driver Costs paid directly ($1000 per day)
$ 200 TravelDrivers Service Fee (20%)